Agadir Al Massia airport
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Tourist information

Country code: +212

Time zone: GMT

Business language: French

Money currency
The local money is the Moroccan Dirham (MAD), wich normally can't be bought outside Morocco.
  Look today's Moroccan Dirham exchange rate

Tourist links: Tourism in Agadir, Casablanca, Fes, Marrakech, Rabat, Tangier:
  Agadir portal
  Moroc travel information

  La Fontaine (Avenue Hassan II, tel: 0528848340) This is a popular meeting place. Choose somethign sweet from the patisserie and wash it down with a refreshing mint tea.
  Ibtissam (Place Tamri, Talborjt) Ibtissam serves fresh Moroccan and Italian dishes at low prices.

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Others: Photos from Agadir in Flickr.